Campaigning to protect your countryside

We believe a beautiful, thriving countryside is unique, essential, precious and finite - and it’s in danger. Every year, a little more is lost forever to urban sprawl, new roads, housing and other developments. We work locally and nationally to stand up for the countryside: to protect it from the threats it faces, and to shape its future for the better.

Our campaign gets underway FIND OUT MORE

Our vision

To save the original Green Belt allocated by Government from intrusion and reduction by cynical planners, so we can continue to enjoy the beautiful and thriving countryside that’s valued and loved by everyone.

Make your voice heard

We need to build up our support and demonstrate our strength in the fight for the countryside we all love so much. We need to show politicians at local and national level that they must listen to public opinion.

With the new Conservative government coming into power it is important to consider what they plan to do about building on Green Belt.


JUST SAY NO to North Herts District Council building on our valued Green Belt land and destroying our beautiful countryside.

TO SAY NO to 14,200 new homes being built on North Hertfordshire's Green Belt land.



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© Save Our Green Belt, Peters House, The Orbital Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 1ET Email: |